

Hosted by: Anita Sirianni

Practical Insights for Dental Executives Serious About Better Sales Results


Caught in the Friends Without Benefits Zone

Season #1 Episode #12

Proven business and sales strategy for dental manufacturers and distributors who want to change the world—-one smile at a time. Won’t you join us? DentalIndustryInsider.com
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How to Turn Up the Volume on Customer Value

Season #1 Episode #11

Company representatives serve as one of the greatest value-added benefits that any company can provide its customers. This podcast offers practical steps on how to turn up the Volume on Value selling to clini-cians.
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3 Simple Steps to Bring Dead Leads Back to Life

Season #1

Just because a doctor, office manager or ordering assistant wasn’t ready to buy when you called on their office, doesn’t mean they won’t now. Use these three simple steps to bring dead leads back to life.
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Get Your Reps to Bring their “A Game"

Season #1

Five Steps to Make Your Trade Shows More Productive, Profitable & a Privilege to Participate.    
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008: A Weekly Habit That Massively UpLevels Productivity

Season #1

Every professional is looking for an edge, a way to get more done in less time. This podcast will introduce you to a simple process to better align your efforts with your goals and important tasks don’t fall through...
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How to Respond to the Top Objection Reaching Dentists

Season #1

Both reps and receptionists agree that the biggest obstacle reaching more dentists is “The doctor is not available”. This objection is the #1 most common form of resistance that every sales representative faces...
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Getting Gatekeepers to Know, Like & Trust You

Season #1

Human beings are naturally wired to want to help each other. Receptionistsare no different, they will help those who call on their office. As long as youuse the right approach. This Sales Success Snippet is all about...
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How to Sound Professional-- Not Pushy

Season #1

Most gatekeepers say most reps are too pushy, so they block them from reaching doctors. Knowing how to approach gatekeepers assertively without being aggressive takes skill. Coaching helps to open more doors to more...
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How to Follow Up after a Sales Call or Meeting

Season #1

One of the most frustrating parts of selling is reaching a prospect after a sales call, seminar or trade show. The only thing that makes lead follow up harder is getting through gatekeepers! In this Sales Success...
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Why Getting Past the Gatekeeper is a Bad Idea

Season #1

Tis the busiest time of the year: the holidays and “selling crunch time”! It’s time to kick selling efforts into high gear. To help you finish 2018 strong, I have prepared “How to Get Past Dental Gatekeepers. Short...
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Building Rapport with Receptionists

Season #1

Influence is created when others to know, like and trust you. That starts with building a positive first impression and establishing rapport. Here is a Sales Snippet training on how to build rapport with dental...
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Stand Out Without Being Weird

Season #1

A typical dentist receives 8 - 16 sales solicitation office visits and 16 – 36 telephone calls per week! Knowing how to approach an office and set yourself apart from the masses is challenging for most reps. This...
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